Who are New Travellers and how will the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act affect their lifestyle and culture? An exhibition

Organisation: Freya Hope

Location: UK

Anthropologist Freya Hope is developing an online exhibition that explores the lives and culture of New Travellers and how the Policing Bill (now Act) will impact these individuals and communities. By visiting mobile New Travellers across the UK over six months, Freya will capture their lives on the road through interviews, film and photography.

The end product will be an online exhibition of film, words and photographs available for six months, created by Freya in collaboration with this community. The aim of the exhibition is to provide a safe and sensitive space for New Travellers to represent themselves to the general public. It will be advertised to public and academic audiences through Oxford University. The exhibition will then serve as a community archive whilst at the same time raising awareness of the Policing Act that could significantly impact the lives and culture of New Travellers.