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Find out the latest news on nomadism in the UK – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to updates on the big issues affecting people living on roadside camps.
If you want to keep up with our most recent research, projects and press coverage you are in the right place!
Writing For Impact – Fourth Funding Webinar Now Online
The final webinar in our series aimed at helping guiding both individual Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists and community groups towards more successful funding applications...
Prospecting and Researching – Third Funding Webinar Now Online
The third in a series of four webinars aimed at helping guiding both individual Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists and community groups towards more successful...
Measuring Your Impact – Second Funding Webinar Now Online
The second in a series of four webinars aimed at helping guiding both individual Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists and community groups towards more successful...
Digital Developments
Online access is crucial to ensuring that Gypsies and Travellers can participate in civic life. The fact you're reading this on a website is proof...
Funding 101 – First Funding Webinar Now Online
The first of four webinars aimed at helping guide both individual Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists and community groups through the jungle of funding is...
Applications Are Now Open For Projects Relating To The Impact Of The Police Act. About this call: The Police Act - formally known as the...
Come On In: MfC Calls Out For New Directors
Moving for Change (MfC) has launched a drive to recruit new Directors to its Board, and is encouraging applications from members of the Gypsy, Roma...